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Setup AWS workshop environment

In this section, you will create and deploy the necessary AWS services required for this workshop by running a Terraform package.

Run the installation package to deploy the Workshop resources

  1. Log in to your AWS Account

  2. Open the AWS CloudShell (icon is on top right toolbar)

  3. Download the workshop installation package from the vFunction portal using the command:

    curl -o vfunction-workshop-aws-installation.tgz https://portal.vfunction.com/file/04c075043086dc7aee8985f962d60c95/eba67f80-f840-417d-9e9d-be795ba13e07/vfunction-workshop-aws-installation.tgz
  4. Unpack the installation package

    tar zxvf vfunction-workshop-aws-installation.tgz
  5. Edit the file ./config/installation.yaml file:

    vim ~/vfunction-workshop/config/installation.yaml
    1. Set the region to which the resources will be deployed- you can use any US region

    2. Fill in your org_name (must be shorter than 50 chars) and email (e.g., “my company” as org_name and “myname@company.net” as email)

    3. Ensure distributed_mode is set to true and monolith_mode is set to false.

  6. Run the installation and wait for the script to complete

    bash ~/vfunction-workshop/install.sh

Access the Workshop Windows VM via Remote Desktop

  1. Switch to the EC2 Instances page in the region you set to deploy the workshop

  2. Open the EC2 instance with the name starting with workshop-windows (should be in running state) and copy its public IPv4 Address

  3. Open your Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client and paste the IP as the Host Name or Address

  4. Start the RDP session. The username is workshop the password is vFunction2021!

  5. If prompted, approve the certificate to access the remote machine

  6. You should now see the Windows Desktop running on the Dev VM.

Access the Workshop Linux VM

  1. Copy the private IP address of the Workshop-Linux VM from the AWS console

  2. In the Windows VM (Remote Desktop), run PuTTY (icon is on the desktop)

  3. In the PuTTY dialog, enter the private IP address of the Linux VM and click Open

  4. Login using the same credentials (login: workshop password:vFunction2021!)

Login to the vFunction server

The vFunction platform installation was automated by the Workshop Installation package.

To login to the platform:

  1. Open Chrome in the Windows VM (Remote Desktop)

  2. Type the IP Address of the Linux VM

  3. Login with the e-mail you entered in the installation.yaml file. The password is vFunction2021!

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